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Roster and Ranking of the Northern Wolves.


Ranking System : ''The first rule of the Brigade is this, we are a brotherhood. Above all else, we look after our own, our brothers and sisters. Above all laws, above all morals, and above all others, we stand together. Upon this standard, we will strive forward. The second is this, respect the chain of command.


Captain : The Captain is the highest rank that can be achieved in the Northern Wolves, it is the ultimate superior authority. The Captain has the last say in any matter, and the decision is final unless said otherwise.


Ranger : The Ranger is the second-hand man (or woman) of the Captain. In absense of the Captain or the inability to perform his duty, The Ranger assumes command of the Brigade.


Lieutenant : A Liteutenant reports directly to the Captain, he is in command of a squad which consists of a portion of the lower ranks. Lieutenants are highly trusted members of the Northern Wolves Brigade and are delegated a high responsibility.


Sergeant : Sergeants have the responsibility of maintaining order and cohesion within the Brigade. They are superior fighters and have proven the ability to maintain a decent responsibility and shown acceptable leadership skills.


Soldier : A soldier has proven extensive fighting skills, they are the frontline soldiers and may even be sent on important missions under the command of a Sergeant.


Mercenary : A Mercenary rank is given to those who have shown acceptable fighting skills. and is recognized as a full member of the Brigade.


Grunt : A grunt is the lowest rank within in the Brigade.


PC players of The Northern Wolves

Estorn : Captain of the Brigade

Livwyn : Lieutenant

Diederich : Grunt

Keltus : Soldier

Coriann : Maiden of the Hall

Ntharien : Grunt

Shiemi : Mercenary

The Brand mark. Also imprinted upon the Brigades battle Standard.

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