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Named ''Justice'' by Estorn, this longsword has a golden and black grip with emeralds set in sockets along the hilt, found in the Barrow Downs while Estorn was on patrol as a Watcher, it's dated to be from the second age, and was even said to be used by a Captain of the North. Wether this is true or just speculation is unknown... 

Comet is a one-handed warhammer that Estorn found within the Barrow Downs of Bree-land, he never carries it around town and only uses it in larger scale battles, Comet has a golden handle with intricate gems, it's dated to be a relic from the second age. 

A simple shortsword made of fine steel that Estorn had made shortly before retiring from the Bree-land Watch, this is the most common weapon Estorn carries around town and is almost always seen on a strap behind his back.

A smaller crossbow that Estorn carries with him into a fight, it can fire three bolts before needing to be reloaded. Crafted by the dwarves of the Iron Hills and bought by Estorn from a dwarven merchant.





Estorns Armory, Weapons and Equipment


These are Estorns various and unique weapons he has acquired during his travels.



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